Limited Docuseries: The Iconic Eva Kovacs

Fashion Extravaganza by Vonda and Max Parker

The Iconic Eva Kovacs
June, 8 2020
A few excerpts about Eva Kovacs in the June 8, 2020 ORLANDO SENTINEL with additions by Elizabeth Tobin Kurtz, Producer of the upcoming documentary on Eva's life.
Orlando Sentinel Reporter, Kathleen Christiansen:
“Eva Kovacs returned after 30 years in California to Florida with an impressive resume: Beauty Queen, supermodel, actress, Pilates instructor, and owner of Celebrity Pilates Studio to the stars, a former publisher, writer, and more. Eva caught the attention of producer Elizabeth Tobin Kurtz who is currently working on a docu-series about Eva’s life. It has garnered attention from HBO and Lifetime--though any decision about where the series will air has been put on hold amid the coronavirus pandemic."
“With what we are facing today, WE NEED HER STORY MORE THAN EVER. Eva faced communism, starvation, xenophobia, and sexism only to win every time,” said Tobin Kurtz in an e-mail that appeared in the Orlando Sentinel. ”I want to lift people’s minds and their spirits and not sell something that is a sex thing,” Tobin Kurtz said, of the many films she accomplished as especially one most people's mind, winning for "Braveheart."
Elizabeth Tobin Kurtz:
"A previous film about Kovacs called “Eva Kovacs Story” was optioned for film by Interscope Communications, Inc, with General Food as its sponsor. They were so impressed with her story, not only was she born in Hungary, but she escaped from Communism at age 12 during the Hungarian Revolution and at age seventeen, captured the American dream." As the article goes on, the following comments are siding notes referencing the beautifully written article about Eva:
“Eva’s achievements,” says Tobin Kurtz, “ and looking at her background, I am reminded, Eva was not just a model, but a renowned supermodel for Haute Couturiers in top fashion houses. Before that she was an International Beauty queen, later an actress, publisher, writer, Pilates CEO, but most importantly what caught my attention, with all her achievements, why did she move back to the Sunshine State, ‘a place her grandfather loved the most in his travels.’”
“My grandfather was an International banker,” Eva tells me, adding, “he traveled the world before WWII and was a close friend of Remington Rand whose company brought our family down from Camp Kilmer refugee camp after being processed as legal immigrants in New Jersey. Rand’s corporation under James Rand offered to let us stay at one of Remington’s homes in Stuart, Florida, until we became acclimated into the American way of life, and were able to stand on our feet.”
Orlando Sentinel reporter Kathleene Christensen:
“My roots may be Hungarian, but I am a Florida girl,” Eva says to Tobin Kurtz: “I wanted to write for the longest time to hide away from the world.” The other thing that struck the Producer Tobin Kurtz was how spiritual Eva is! Eva believes she was guided here to accomplish her mission, her purpose in life. “I love writing. I am in love with words. They’re expressive to create a movie on a page. Sometimes I don’t know where they come from unless the angels are whispering in my ear to create what I write.” Kurtz adds, “there is so much to Eva, for which the documentary should speak for itself, but, we don’t know the half of it.”
The Sentinel mentions, one of the first actions Eva did moving to Howey in the Hills, is to start the Writers Forum of America at the Beck Memorial Library. “Everybody has a story to tell, and there is a lot of talent here! I want to bring it out of people to share life’s incredible gifts! To trust themselves in the prospering power of the divine that infinitely align our mind with eternity. To realize that all that is as it’s meant to be and sense there are miracles even greater than people can see...