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Born in Balatonkenese, Hungary during WWII, Eva Kovacs’ life began in a dramatic twist of irony.  While an American bomb causes her premature birth in Hungary, seventeen years later, she is the crowning glory of the American dream. The second child of four children born to Elizabeth, an architectural drafting engineer, and Bela, a chief auditor and financial executive for Hangya commerce in Hungary. 

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 Writer   Mentor   Early Life  Business  Woman    Lyricist    Publisher


Actress     Ballerina     Fashion Designer     Supermodel     Pilates Guru to Hollywood Stars   







What started in 1917 as a Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the killing of Czar and the Czarina with their four children, became a global Social Revolution. When Karl Max published The Communist Manifesto, it brought the communist party into the limelight for China, North Korea, Vietnam and Cuba. This was soon followed by Kenya, Sudan, and Nicaragua. Finally, on October 9, 1944, behind the closed doors of the Kremlin, Churchill, and Stalin agreed on one of the most infamous deals in diplomatic history, which decided the tragic fate of millions in Eastern Europe. Churchill called the deal, "Triumph and Tragedy." Instead of Hitler's Swastika, Hungarian throats were chocked with Stalin's hammer and sickle. By giving Stalin carte-blanche to take as much of Eastern Europe as he could, his Soviet Red Germ spread like a plague, knocking down nations like a bowling ball and inflicting Socialist Communisms on eleven countries, including Hungary. Hitler was evil, but than Stalin loomed up as an even greater danger. By the time, the 'Man of Steel' died, he had murdered 52 million men, women, and children. More then Hitler's eleven million--but the math does not matter where spiritual sickness devours innocent souls!


In the dark winter nights of '44', my father and mother along with my one-and-half-half-year old sister, Elizabeth, ran from the moral decay imposed on Hungary by the inevitable Soviet hegemony. Traces of my parents' footsteps were lost in the human exodus. Being born premature and fearing for my life, I was left behind in the care of my grandmother. When my parents returned two years later to take me out of Communist Hungary, the Iron Curtain had slammed down, blocking us from Austria's border. Three years later, imprisoned by Communism, and the unbearable baseness of Stalin's bloodbath crimes, Hungarian families, were accused with immense trumped-up charges of treason and sabotage. Faced with incrimination against the finest citizens of the land, after ludicrous trials, millions were executed. Like many other families, the Soviets appropriated our family villa and we had to share the same with several communists families. The Soviets also confiscated and shipped 2/3 of the Hungarian production to Russia. They called it our war debt for freeing us from Hitler! 


For 12 years all school children in Hungary were called the '"New Soviet Pioneers." We were dubbed "a cut above all", and required to swear loyalty to the Socialist Party. They tried to engrave into our minds: "Without teaching the youth to adhere to socialism, there is no knowledge, and without knowledge, there is no communisms!" We had to praise Stalin as our father and god. At home, we prayed to another, our true God. Stalin's unopposed domination, gave him nothing to fear, no one to follow, no God, no Hell, no Parent, no Law, and with nothing forbidding him from whatever he wanted, he left this earth with decay and spiritual deprivation. To say, better DEAD THAN RED, which were perhaps fiery words from Hungarians, but by 1956, our people had enough suffering and torment in their so-called Soviet Socialist Paradise. On October 23rd, 1956, the Hungarian people rose against the mighty Soviet Union and crushed them for 11 days, and Hungary was free. The Soviet Union promised to leave Hungary. 


But with Britain and France at odd with the Soviets, oil which flowed through Suez Canal in the Middle East was critical, the Western Allies promise to help Hungary in their fight against the Soviets never materialized. Seeing America would not step in to help the Hungarians, the Red Army turned back from the Soviet borders, tightened their grip, and viciously crushed Hungary with Soviet tanks and troops. In Hungary's final hours my father and many others fought against the Soviet Communists, gave one last broadcast on the radio begging for the free world to help: "Civilized peoples of the world, we implore you to help us in the name of justice, for freedom. Our ship is sinking. Light is failing. The shadows  grow darker every hour over the soil of Hungary."


Without help, hundreds of thousands Soviet Mongol tanks re-entered Hungary and shelled Budapest with a savagery beyond horror. Two hundred thousand Hungarians died for freedom, hundreds of thousands were executed and a quarter million fled the country, including my family. In early December 6, 1956, it was time for my parents' second escape, but this time, they were taking me and my three siblings with them.


Although it was a standard fare for comrades to discuss Socialism that could result in people being sent to the gulags. With Stalin, and later Gorbachev in power and with the advent of Cold War, when musing on the history of Hungary over a bottle of vodka, the Soviets would say: "LET THEM HATE AS LONG AS THEY FEAR," thus confirmed, human life did not count where ideology was concerned!  

Hungarian Revolution crushed it forces Eva and her family to escape the Red Germ of the Soviet Socialist Communist Republic and flee into the Austrian Alps




My parents rejected the Communist Red Book that would declare them Communist Party members. My father refused to bend, lie and snitch to get ahead in the party. During those years it only took one informant to snitch on you, a neighbor who didn't like you, or saw you go to church, or was jealous of your furniture. Besides every block had an assigned 'trustee' to report on everyone. We learned not to talk, fear and distrust even our own classmates. While the instrument of Communist propaganda machines hammered the pedagogy for a worldwide socialism, we were daily reminded  we were a distinguished socialist race--a cut above the rest of humanity. It was only a matter of time before Father Stalin would rule the world! Finally on October 23, 1956, swarming on the peek of insignificance, and devoid of arms against the danger, the country unleashed the Communist straightjacket, and the hunted turned against the hunters with all that was hidden in noble emotions and restrained tears, detonating into one mighty call: "SOVIETS GO HOME!" In a David and Goliath confrontation, we fought the mighty Soviet Army to freedom for 11 days. While the Soviets promised to leave Hungary, we waited for the promised help to arrive from the United States. When the Soviets saw help was not coming, they turned around at the Russian Borders and hit Hungary with  tanks and bombs to ashes. With our freedom extinguished, my family fled so we children can grow up in freedom. We walked for miles on end toward the Austrian border, hid in the forest from Communist gunfire, rode in wagons under haystacks and fruit, at times on trucks covering us from view with canvas, concealed in ditches, other times separated. We had injuries, brutality, but then, we had freedom and kindness in the Austrian Alps. And, in that magic of winter our destiny unfolded in America." 

                                                             Quotes from Eva's book.




ON THE RIGHT the arrow points to the original flight manifest, transporting Eva Kovacs and the Kovacs family from Nuremberg, Germany to the United States. The airlift, 'Operation Safe Haven' was ordered by Dwight D. Eisenhower on December 10, 1956, four days after Bela and Elizabeth Kovacs with their four young children made a daring escape  into the Austrian Alps. This flight and others were made by the United States Marine Corps that have evacuated 21,000 of 250,000 Hungarian refugees fleeing the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. 


While the Messenger of Fate unlocked the pages for our family's future, and we were given this precious new life, sometimes it came with highs and sometimes it came with lows, but each one opened a different door. I don't know whether I shall win, place or even show, but I shall have played my small part, before passing to the obscurity of the Beyond.   


                 "All things have their season, and in their times, all                                   things pass under heaven. A time to be born and a                                  time to die. A time to plant and a time to pluck that                                 which is planted. A time to kill and a time to heal.                                   A time to destroy and a time to build. A time to                                         weep and a time to laugh!" (Ecclesiastics 3:1-8







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Eva’s dream is to become a prima ballerina. When she is chosen from hundreds of ballet hopefuls to train at the renowned Budapest Ballet Opera House, for the coveted “Prima Ballerina,” her aspirations are cut by the 1956 Hungarian Revolution when family flees the Soviet hegemony and immigrates to the United States. 




Eva Kovacs, the new ingénue begins to flourish in America when she receives a scholarship to the Royal Academy’s Imperial Ballet Studio in Palm Beach and New York. While attending college, she dances at the Royal Poinciana Playhouse under the tutelage of Dame Alicia Markova, Maestro Karoly Zsedenyi and Miss Joanna in: Swan Lake, Coppelia, Sleeping Beauty and Giselle.

 Writer  Mentor    Early Writing Career Business Woman    Lyricist    Publisher


Actress    Ballerina    Fashion Designer    Supermodel    Pilates Guru to Hollywood Stars   




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Journalist for USA "TODAY" Newspaper

Eva's writing career began winning an essay contest published in Readers Digest during her high school days. While attending college, the founder of USA Today, Al Neuharth, asked Eva to join the Today Newspaper /USA Today Family Team as a reporter for the Women’s Department and she became a Beauty journalist on weekends.  Later, as member of the Florida Magazine Association Eva published 'Emporium the Social Society' magazine, in Hollywood, she wrote the film-play, 'The Eva Kovacs Story,' optioned for film by Interscope Communications Inc., she film scripted, 'A Miracle in Vienna', optioned for film by Faulkner Productions in Canada, co-wrote the film-play  'Zizi', A Christmas Story with Louis Garfinkle, the original writer of the 'Deer Hunter' that won five Oscars.


In 2020 she is in publication of 'Eva Kovacs Classical Pilates Physical and Spiritual Enhancement Guide,' and has completed her novel, 'The Heart Remembers,' based on geopolitical facts.  Eva is the founder of the Writers Forum of America, and she is on her next two authentic manuscripts, "Memories of Fame with the Weapons of Angels" and  "Voyage of The Soul"/ "Spirit Bridge," (an authentic communication that documents the existence after death.)

“Foreign intrigue has about as much to do with beauty making as radiators do with perfume bottles---but the two subjects have much in common for Eva Kovacs.”  



 Writer  Mentor Supermodel Business Woman    Lyricist    Publisher


Actress    Ballerina    Fashion Designer   Writer Pilates Guru to Hollywood Stars   




Eva becomes the new face of GUCCI 

By age seventeen, Eva is discovered by a modeling agent and is walking the catwalk with a natural talent. She becomes the fixture in trendy fashion magazines, tops the international fashion circuit in fashion editorials, films, television, and is labeled as  the new ingénue in the glorified American dream. She becomes an  international beauty queen, supermodel, covering gamut 

fashion houses from Palm Beach, NY, Montreal, Milan, Paris, and London.





Soon, Eva is the paparazzo’s dream, calling her, “The elegant and intelligent, Hungarian with a beautiful face and a spectacular body! Miss Kovacs adds that stylishly glamorous ‘look’ for trend rival couturiers of the world. Her innocence and classical elegance come with an unpretentious charm that contributes to her talent as a model, ballerina, and actress, catapulting her to the tops in everything she touches!”




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  Actress  Film, Television & Video     

In 1983, with her three sons growing up, Eva follows 

her dream to be a writer, when Hollywood calls

again to become a second Sherry Lansing as an

Assistant Producer at the Burbank Studios. 

But, two weeks later, instead of being a producer,

Eva is signed to co-star with Ray Danton in “Pursuit,“

and finally, “Apache Blood,” in Arizona.

While there, she is a guest star in several “New Dick

Van Dyke Shows'', and to the delight of Dyke’s

parties and co-host, Hope Lange, she remains

in Arizona filming before returning to Los Angeles. 


   Internatioanlly acclaimed  Eva Kovacs Modeling Academy and Agency   

International Model Association endorsed by Princes Grace Kelly of Monaco, pronounces Eva Kovacs Academy by Princes Helen Obolensky, fashion editor for Town & Country and Redbook with judges by Paris Planning's Francois Lano of France, John Casablanca's Elite Management  in NY, LA, Paris, Milan and Tokyo, and Wilhelmina, owner of Wilhelmina Models, one of the World's leading modeling and talent agency based in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, and London as the top Model Academy in the United States.






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While the Hands of Fate had Eva appear in many magazines and she learned to understand the power of pose and mystique to become one of the first supermodels, she also mentored others as a Life Coach, thereby putting Florida on the map, for many young girls, leading by example. Eva becomes the owner of four (4) Eva Kovacs Model Academies, embarks opening the Eva Kovacs Beauty Emporium with Haute couture and Ready to Wear fashions, she instructs students in ballet & jazz classes, opens a spa with complete facials, man/ped with Kovacs Model's skincare and make-up line, and sells authentic Gucci products. She becomes a fashion designer for "Dynasty" Television Show, through Birgitta of Beverly Hills, where she designs the famous Nicole Simpson's wedding headdress. Later, she publishes an over-sized social magazine, "Emporium, the Social Society," which develops into a social platform for her friend, Wilhelmina, as the 265th and last cover before 'Willy' passes. In a tribute to her friend, Eva gave the following statement: 

"We are all part of a universal train, each of us on different cars, but on the same track. On that track is a ring of DESTINY, spiritually crafted by God, where we will meet again!"




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      Pilates Master Guru         

During her teachings, Eva helps launch many famous faces through her training in modeling, dance, beauty, health, yoga, and physical fitness.


Eva opened the first Celebrity Studio, Eva Kovacs Classical Pilates Physical and Spiritual Enhancement in Hollywood.



One of her clients, Tina Knowles Lawson, becomes a client and a loving friend for life. Tina’s daughter, Beyonce’s songs also becomes an  inspiration with her music to which the Studio clients dance. Tina's influence other celebrity clients to join EK Pilates, Ralph Farquhar, Stanley Lathan, both producers of Real Husbands of Hollywood and many others, each clients in the studio danced and created their dreams before session began. A friendship of many that last to this day.

But when you think Eva's got it all, she reinvents herself, and again she becomes the CEO of the Eva Kovacs Celebrity Classical Pilates Physical Fitness & Yoga Studio in Hollywood, California, and as Master Pilates Guru, she publishes the Eva Kovacs Classical Pilates Spiritual Enhancement Guide.

Awards Honors and Disctinctions  

Republican Women’s Award
Presented Prime Minister of Hungary
Los Angeles Hungarian Embassy bronze statue presenter



Distinguished Medal of Honor/Cancer Society of America

New Hope Centers/The Society for Brain Injured Children

The Heart Ball - Co-Chairman

World Cancer Society of America - Headliner

International Modeling Association of America - Commentator

“CHILA,” Children’s Hospital Ball of Los Angeles

Ralph Lauren Celebrity Charities

Hindu Charities of India


Winner of International Model Association sponsored by the Grace Kelly Foundation 

Recipient of the State of Florida School Board Award

Honorary Key to Florida Achievement Award

Citation: Florida Senate President Jon Vogt

Citation for Academy Congressman/Senator Bill Nelson

National Winner twice International Model Association, Top Modeling Academy in the U.S.

Miss Teenage of America/Florida Honorable Choreographer Award

Who’s Who Famous American/Hungarians World Press 1983, page 91


Reader's Digest Award

Celebrity Secrets of Beauty

Ballet scholarship Royal Poinciana Playhouse

Film Critique Sofracima, producer Katherine Winter, Paris, France

Designer TV’s Dynasty, Linda Evans

Creator Nicole Simpson’s Wedding Headdress


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© copyright 2020 éva kovács all rights reserved. no part of this publication may be reproduced by any means, in any media, electronic or mechanical, including motion picture film, video, photocopy, recording or any other information storage retrieval system.

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